Communicating using technology and Communicating in person.

Communicating using technology and in person have many differences.
Communicating in person most of the time you have to answer back. When you are communicating on text messages you do not have to answer back. You can just walk away from your phone or you can delete the message. Some people have in settings where they can see if you read it or not, but it is still a difference between the two. In person it requires more time. Communication by text can be done quickly.It is easier to understand if a person is joking or not because people could take you as being mean rather than joking .There are many differences between communicating with devices and communicating in person.

There are many similarities between communicating in person and using technology.
One way that there both alike is there both communicating with each other.You are able to see their face in both computer and in person.Eventually, someone will need to leave or end the conversation.You are able to stay in touch.More than one can join the conversation. Sometimes you need to communicate in person and have human contact. It does not matter how you communicate it matter who you are communicating with.

This entry was posted in English.

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